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This hand carved kava bowl features a traditional bowl, flanked by 3 Tiki Gods. Most Hawaiian bowls and platters were undecorated. A few carved dished have been preserved, showing human figures holding a plate.
The carving shows an effigy of KU, Tiki God of strength, war and healing. It measures 12" long and 8" high and is made of premium Acacia (Monkey Pod) wood which has been stained to a rich walnut color. This unique piece of hawaiiana is beautiful as a center piece for a dining room. It can also serve as a wooden salad dish and is perfect as a scorpion or kava bowl in your tiki bar or luau. The possibilities are endless... Also a great gift idea with MUCH ALOHA!
Shipping Cost to Continental USA: $28.50. Please contact us for other locations.
Copyright 2006. Hamakua Trading LLC, P O Box 30, Ninole, HI 96773 |