Click to enlargeLi'l Ohana Humu Plush Toy
Premium Plush Toy
Soft Stuffed Toy
Hawaiian Gifts for Kids

This adorable Li'l Ohana Humu Plush character is from our best-selling keiki book, Humu: Humu's Search for a Rainbow. Select the book and this coordinating character plush doll to make the perfect gift combination for your favorite keiki.

Approximately 5-1/2" each.

For ages 3 and up. Also a great gift with much aloha...

Li'l Ohana Humu Plush Toy. Premium Plush Toy. Soft Stuffed Toy. Hawaiian Gifts for Kids
40202Regular: $34.95Sale price: $29.95
Copyright 2006. Hamakua Trading LLC, P O Box 30, Ninole, HI 96773