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 In 1940, Eugene Savage completed a remarkable series of menu covers and murals for the S.S. Lurline. With the outbreak of the Second World War, the passengership was converted into a troop carrier and the murals were unceremoniously stowed away until the maiden voyage of the refurbished "White Ship" Lurline in 1948.
They immediately received highest acclaim from critics and customers alike. The American Institute of Graphic Arts awarded him their highest reward, the Certificate of Excellence. Today this series of menu covers is part of the permanent collection of The Smithsonian Institution. What make them so unique is that the soulfulness of Hawaii is displayed in spectacular color and detail on a 4 x 8 canvas. It captures the aloha spirit of the people, the gracefulness of the hula in "Pomp and Circumstance" and the connection to the land in the "Festival of the Sea".
These nostalgia pieces of vintage hawaiiana would add interesting history and a vibrant aloha feel to a hawaiian theme decorating theme. Make them part of your collection too!
Copyright 2006. Hamakua Trading LLC, P O Box 30, Ninole, HI 96773 |