Click to enlargeHawaiian Quilted Baby Blanket
Hand Stitched Diaper Bag
Hawaiian style Bib and Burp Rag
Hawaiian gifts with aloha...

Keikis are very special in Hawaii and are given the utmost attention by everyone in the family. Their care and education is our greatest responsibility. They are truly keiki o ka'aina... children of the land.

This beautiful set includes:

baby blanket

diaper bag

bib and burp rag

These lovingly hand stiched and embriodered pieces are just another way in which we show our commitment to our keikis in the true aloha spirit.

Choose from four patterns: 1-Hibiscus; 2-Crown Flower; 3-Ulu; and 4-Pineapple

Also select your preferred color: Soft-Yello, Pink, Baby Blue, or Seafoam Green

A great gift idea with much ALOHA!

Special Order Only! HAWAIIAN Quilted Diaper Set with Diaper Bag, Embriodered Blanket , Bib, Burp Rag
hawaiian_style_diaper_set_emb $119.99Pattern:  Color: 
Copyright 2006. Hamakua Trading LLC, P O Box 30, Ninole, HI 96773